Tianjin Youfa Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd bụ ghọtara dị ka mba otu mmeri enterprise na n'ichepụta ụlọ ọrụ.
N'oge na-adịbeghị anya, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology kwupụtara ọkwa nke asatọ nke otu onye mmeri na ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe. Na-adabere na R&D na-aga n'ihu na ikike mmepụta ihe, na-adabere na ngwaahịa nchara-pl ...GỤKWUO -
Na-elekwasị anya na nrụpụta njedebe dị elu na ịgbalịsi ike maka egwu ọhụrụ | Ndị isi nke China Classification Society Quality Certification Co., Ltd. gara Jiangsu Youfa maka Nduzi na Nchọpụta
Na Mee 28, ndị nnọchi anya sitere na ngalaba Jiangsu nke China Classification Society Quality Certification Company (nke a na-akpọ CCSC), gụnyere onye isi njikwa Liu Zhongji, onye isi njikwa nke ngalaba ụlọ ọrụ Huang Weilong, osote onye isi njikwa nke ngalaba ụlọ ọrụ…GỤKWUO -
Usoro omume maka ezigbo ụlọ ọrụ - Youfa Group na-akwalite mmejuputa siri ike nke mmepe na-adịgide adịgide (ESG)
Na Mee 27th, Youfa Group nwere ọgbakọ nkwalite ọrụ 2024 Sustainable Development (ESG). Jin Donghu, odeakwụkwọ nke Kọmitii Kọmitii nke otu, Guo Rui, odeakwụkwọ nke Board of Directors, na ndị isi nke ụlọ ọrụ nlekọta dị iche iche na Youfa Supply Chain gara ...GỤKWUO -
Jiri obi ụtọ na-eme ememe ntọala nke Yunnan Youfa Fangyuan Pipe Industry Co., Ltd.
N'April 1st, Yunnan Youfa Fangyuan Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. ka e hibere n'ọchịchị. Dị ka isi mmepụta ihe nke asaa nke Youfa Group, ụlọ ọrụ ahụ jikọtara ọnụ site na Youfa Group na Tong ...GỤKWUO -
Tianjin YOUFA steel Ka ị na-enwe ekeresimesi na afọ ọhụrụ 2024
CCTV na-akọ usoro ikpo ọkụ, na-atụgharị ihe mkpofu ka ọ bụrụ okpomoku iji kpoo ọtụtụ puku ezinụlọ, yana ọkpọkọ Youfa na-enye aka
N'oge oyi oyi, ikpo ọkụ bụ ọrụ dị mkpa maka ndụ. N'oge na-adịbeghị anya, akụkọ CCTV kọrọ usoro ikpo ọkụ n'akụkụ dị iche iche nke China, na-egosi mbọ gọọmentị na ụlọ ọrụ na-agba n'ichekwa ihe ndị mmadụ na-akpa na ikpokọta ọtụtụ puku ezinụlọ. Amọn...GỤKWUO -
Youfa igwe anaghị agba nchara Online 530 Unit na-arụ ọrụ
Tianjin Youfa igwe anaghị agba nchara Co., Ltd. e hiwere na November 21, 2017, nke bụ enyemaka nke Tianjin Youfa Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd. n'okpuru Tianjin Youfa Steel Pipe Group Co., Ltd. Ebe ọ bụ na e guzobe ya, ụlọ ọrụ nwere. etinyere aka na nyocha ...GỤKWUO -
Emere nzukọ mgbanwe azụmahịa nke 7th Terminal nke Youfa Group na Kunming.
Disemba 3rd, ọgbakọ Youfa Group nke 7th Terminal Exchange mere na Kunming. Chen Guangling, Onye isi njikwa nke Youfa Group, kpọsara ndị mmekọ bịaranụ oku ka ha “Jiri ọchị merie, jirikọ ọrụ were merie…GỤKWUO -
Amamihe na-agbakọta maka mmepe., Youfa Group pụtara na 19th China Steelindustry Chain Market Summit iji kwuo maka ọdịnihu na ndị ọkachamara nchara.
Na 24-25th Nọvemba, 19th China Steelindustry Chain Market Summit na Lange Steel Network 2023 ka emere na Beijing. Isiokwu nke nzụkọ a bụ "atụmanya ọhụrụ nke ụlọ ọrụ-ike ọchịchị na mmepe Structural". Nzukọ ahụ kpọkọtara ọtụtụ e...GỤKWUO -
A toro Youfa Group n'oge nsonye na ọgbakọ Structural Structural Pacific nke iri na atọ.
Site na 27th ruo 30th October, 13th Pacific Steel Structural Conference na 2023 China Structural Structural Conference ka emere na Chengdu. Ọ bụ China Steel Structural Society kwadoro ọgbakọ a, yana njikọ aka nke Sichuan Prefabricated Construction Industry dị ka ...GỤKWUO -
Song Zhiping, onye isi oche nke China Association of Companies depụtara na onye isi oche nke China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association, na ndị nnọchi anya ya gara na Youfa Group ...
Na nso nso a, Song Zhiping, onye isi oche nke China Association of Companies Listed na onye isi oche nke China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association, na Li Xiulan, osote odeakwụkwọ ukwu nke China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association, na ndị nnọchiteanya ha vis ...GỤKWUO -
Nke mbụ 14 ọkụ-mikpu galvanized welded ígwè anwụrụ nnabata ụlọ ọrụ na-acha ọcha ndepụta ewepụtara
Na October 16, na isiokwu nke "Ịkwalite ụlọ ọrụ yinye nchikota iji kwalite elu-edu mmepe", "2023 (mbụ) Daqiuzhuang Forum na Steel Pipe Industrial Chain Collaborative Innovation and Development Conference" e mere na Daqiuzhuang Town, Tianjin ... .GỤKWUO