Ko te hui tiamana tuatahi o te 15th Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) i tu ki Youfa Group

roopu youfa

I te Hui-tanguru 20, i tu te hui tiamana tuatahi o te 15th Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) ki Youfa Group. Ko Lou Jie, tiamana o Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce me te tiamana o Tianjin General Chamber of Commerce, i whakahaere i te hui. Minita Tuarua o te United Front Work Department o Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, Party Secretary and Executive Vice Chairman of Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, wa-katoa te tiamana tuarua o Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, me nga mema o te Rōpū Kaiarahi o te Roopu Paanui o te Taone. I tae atu te Federation of Industry and Commerce ki te hui. I tae atu a Li Maojin, tiamana o Youfa Group, ki te hui hei tumuaki tuarua mo Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce me te haere tahi i te korerorero.

youfa paipa maitai

I korero te hui me te whakawhiti korero mo ia ra mo te Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce).

I mua i te hui, i toro atu nga rangatira o te Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce ki Youfa Steel Pipe Creative Park、Lining Plastic Workshop o Tianjin Youfa Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd. Ko te tiamana tuarua me te tiamana tuarua o te Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce (General). Chamber of Commerce), te United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Neke atu i te 30 nga mema o nga tari mahi i uru ki te huihuinga me i haere tahi i te korerorero.

youfa creative park
awheawhe youfa

Wā tuku: Feb-23-2023